Macro RSA_GapFromSeqxxx. Usage:
Sub RSA_GapFromSeq() 'Gaps the labels, chain and insertion code worksheets as defined by the gaps in the sequence worksheet 'Changes Chain, Residue Label and Insertion Code to the value indicated 'in the header columns of the alignment For i = 1 To 255 Step 1 'for all sequences in the alignment If IsEmpty(Sheets("Seq").Cells(1, i)) Then Exit For 'alignment finished For j = 3 To 35000 Step 1 'for all positiona in the sequence If IsEmpty(Sheets("Seq").Cells(j, i)) Then Exit For 'sequence finished If Sheets("Seq").Cells(j, i) Like "." Then 'gap position Worksheets("Label").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("All Abs.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("All Rel.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("NonPol sc Abs.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("NonPol sc Rel.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("Pol sc Abs.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("Pol sc Rel.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("all sc Abs.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("all sc Rel.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("mc Abs.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown Worksheets("mc Rel.").Cells(j, i).Insert Shift:=xlDown End If Next j Next i End Sub |
Last Modified by A.Honegger |