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Macro AA_Similarity

Colors a sequence alignment according to similarity to the reference sequence (the last sequence in the selected sequence block). The degree of similarity is taken from the Dayhof PAM matrix (worksheet "Hom.Score" in workbook "AHo_macros.xls")

The overall % sequence identity, % sequence similarity and sequence length are indicated to the right of the sequence alignment.

Color Code: dark blue=identical, blue: very conservative substitution, blue-green: conservative substitution, yellow-green: somewhat similar, yellow and orange: increasingly different.


  • Copy-and-Paste the reference sequence underneath the sequence block you wish to compare to it
  • Select the sequence block including the reference sequence
  • Select "Macro" in the "Tool" menu
  • Run macro AA_Similarity

Caution: Four cells to the right of the sequence block will be overwritten with the %Identity, %Similarity and Sequence Length results

Sub AA_Similarity()

'colors amino acid sequences by identity/similarity
'Assumption: The last sequence in the selection is the reference sequence

    If Selection.Columns.Count = 0 Then                        'Error, nothing selected
        MsgBox Prompt:="No cells selected, please select the sequences you wish to color"
        Exit Sub
    End If

   'get extent of current selection
    i1 = Selection.Row
    i2 = i1 + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
    j1 = Selection.Column
    j2 = j1 + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
    For i = i1 To i2 Step 1
        Cells(i, j2 + 2) = 0 'identity
        Cells(i, j2 + 3) = 0 'similarity
        Cells(i, j2 + 4) = 0 'length
    Next i
   'Format selected area
    Selection.Borders(xlLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlTop).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
    Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    Selection.Font.Name = "Geneva"
    Selection.Font.FontStyle = "Regular"
    Selection.Font.Size = 9
    Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1
    Selection.Font.Bold = True
    Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

For j = j1 To j2 Step 1                                'column j1-j2'
    For k = 2 To 23 Step 1                              'identify reference amino acid'
        If (Cells(i2, j) = Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, 1)) Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next k
    o = 0
    p = 0
    For i = i1 To i2 - 1 Step 1                         'row i1-(i2-1)'
        For l = 2 To 23 Step 1                          'identify amino acid'
            If (Cells(i, j) = Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(1, l)) Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next l
    N = 3
    If (l > 23) Then
        N = 1
        ElseIf (k > 23) Then
            N = 2
                Cells(i, j2 + 4) = Cells(i, j2 + 4) + 1
                Cells(i, j2 + 3) = Cells(i, j2 + 3) + (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) / 1.5)
            If (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) = 1.5) Then
                N = 43
                Cells(i, j2 + 2) = Cells(i, j2 + 2) + 1
                ElseIf (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) > 1) Then N = 42
                    ElseIf (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) > 0.5) Then N = 40
                        ElseIf (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) > 0) Then N = 38
                            ElseIf (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) > -0.5) Then N = 37
                                ElseIf (Workbooks("AHo_macros.xls").Sheets("Hom.Score").Cells(k, l) > -1) Then N = 35
                                    Else: N = 33
            End If
    End If
        Cells(i, j).Select
        With Selection.Interior
            .ColorIndex = N
            .Pattern = xlSolid
            If N = 43 Or N = 33 Or N = 1 Then
               Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 2
            End If
        End With
    Next i
Next j

    For i = i1 To (i2 - 1) Step 1
        If (Cells(i, j2 + 4) > 0) Then
            Cells(i, j2 + 2) = (100 * Cells(i, j2 + 2)) / Cells(i, j2 + 4) '% identity
            Cells(i, j2 + 3) = (100 * Cells(i, j2 + 3)) / Cells(i, j2 + 4) '% similarity
        End If
    Next i

    Range(Cells(i1, j2 + 1), Cells(i2, j2 + 1)).Select
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 1
    Range(Cells(i1, j2 + 2), Cells(i2, j2 + 4)).Select
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 5
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
    Cells(i1 - 1, j2 + 2) = "Ident."
    Cells(i1 - 1, j2 + 3) = "Sim."
    Cells(i1 - 1, j2 + 4) = "Len."

End Sub
AAAAA Homepage Zürich University Dept. of Biochemistry Plückthun Group Annemarie Honegger

Last Modified by A.Honegger Wednesday, January 26, 2005