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Anabolic Steroids

Supplementing Performance

Testosterone is created step-by-step by a collection of enzymes, starting from cholesterol. The enzyme shown here, 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (PDB entry 1xf0), performs the last step in this process, converting androstenedione into testosterone. In this picture, the androstenedione is shown in green and an NADP cofactor is shown in magenta. These enzymes provide the basis for several "dietary supplements" that have close connections to anabolic steroids. Until 2004 (when it was banned by the FDA), you could buy androstenedione as a supplement. It is converted to testosterone in the body, and shows about a tenth of the activity of testosterone. Dihydroepiandrostenone (DHEA), however, is still sold as a supplement. It is two metabolic steps away from testosterone, requiring the action of two enzymes to create the active form

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Last changed by: A.Honegger, 8/6/08