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TATA-Binding Protein


TATA-binding protein works as part of a larger transcription factor, TFIID, that starts the process of transcription. After it binds to the promoter, it recruits additional transcription factors. TFIIB, shown at the top here from PDB entry 1vol, binds next. Then a string of other transcription factors bind, constructing a large protein complex that decides whether or not to start transcription. These may include transcription activators, such as TFIIA shown in the middle from PDB entry 1ytf, that promote the start of transcription. Other factors inhibit the start of transcription, such as the transcription regulator NC2 (negative cofactor 2), shown at the bottom from PDB entry 1jfi. In all of these pictures, TATA-binding protein is shown in blue, a small piece of DNA is shown in red and the transcription factor is shown in green.

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Last changed by: A.Honegger, 8/4/06