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Catabolite Activator Protein

CAP in Action

CAP lures RNA polymerase close to the DNA, stimulating the transcription of genes that are nearby. RNA polymerase, shown in yellow from PDB entry 1iw7, has a subunit that reaches up and interacts with CAP and the DNA. In the RNA polymerase structure, only half of this subunit is seen. PDB entry 1lb2 reveals how the other half binds to both CAP (blue), and DNA (red). The two halves of this subunit are connected through a flexible linker, shown with little yellow dots. Notice that only a small piece of DNA is shown here; inside cells the DNA is part of a long continuous strand. The flexible linker allows RNA polymerase to reach neighboring regions of the DNA and start transcription.

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PDB Molecule of the Month December 2003, by David S. Goodsell

Last changed by: A.Honegger, 8/4/06