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Lac Repressor

Exploring the Structure

A complete atomic structure for the entire lac repressor is not currently available in the PDB, but you can look at two structures to get a good idea of how it works. Each lac repressor subunit folds into three functional regions. The first is a tetramerization domain that links four subunits together into the functional complex. The second is a core domain that binds to lactose and other similar molecules, like the sugar mimic ONPF. The third is the headpiece, which binds to DNA. PDB entry 1tlf contains the tetramerization domain and the core, but is missing the headpieces. It shows how four subunits are tied together, forming the bent structure. PDB entry 1efa is missing the tetramerization domain, and only contains two subunits. It includes two headpieces bound to a short piece of DNA, and also shows how sugars bind deep inside the core region.

This picture was created with RasMol. You can create similar pictures by clicking on the accession codes above and choosing one of the options under View Structure.

A list of all lac repressor structures in the PDB as of March, 2003, is available here. For more information on lac repressor, click here.

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Previous: Proteins of the lac Operon

PDB Molecule of the Month March 2003, by David S. Goodsell

Last changed by: A.Honegger, 8/4/06