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Step 14: The Macro "AA_Type" colors your sequence alignment according to residue type

Aromatic residues (Tyr, Phe, Trp) are colored orange, aliphatic ones (Leu, Ile, Val, Pro, Ala) as well as Cys and Met are colored yellow, Gly, yellow-green, uncharged hydrophilic residues (Ser, Thr, Asn, Gln) green, positively charged residues blue (His, cyan, Arg and Lys, dark blue) and negatively charged ones red (Asp and Glu). The memnonics for this coloring scheme are: hydrophobic ("dry") residues have "desert colors", hydrophilic ("wet") residues are green. Charged ones stick out with strong red (negativ) and blue (positive) colors.

Alternatively, you can color a sequence alignment according to residue hydropathy ("AA_Hydropathy"), highlight only the charged residues ("AA-Charge") or adapt a macro to highlight any other residue type.

Last Modified by A.Honegger Wednesday, January 26, 2005